Hello and welcome to my Carrd:)

Let me introduce myself
Hello my name is Sher
I’m 17 years old meaning I’m a minor
I’m transgender ftm I go by he/him
Im autistic so please use tonetags when joking around because I can’t take jokes that well ^^ thank you
Do not interact
1. If you’re a proshipper
2. If you’re ableist
3. If you support the dream smp(you can interact as long as you’re not toxic) or jsl,piptoons,hellucard,patryck.
4. If you are a republican..
5. If you like sinsworld, it’s fine if you do just don’t come around me.
6. If you ship Tomtord. I’m sorry it just makes me uncomfortable.
7. If you draw nsfw of minors.
8. If you’re a troll.
9. If you fetishize trans people
10. If you’re homophobic or transphobic
11. If you support /vas/Eddie/cross/
Before you follow me
Please don’t flirt with me I have a boyfriend thank you.